Tuesday, May 22, 2007

may 22 : the bjorn has landed

my good friend and south indian compadre..anu ( in new jersey) has sent us a very essential gift for swindubaby. the baby bjorn! yeahhhhh!

who knew i'd be living in the country that invented one of the most popular and most bought baby carrier around the globe? there are bjorns everywhere and then baby bjorns too! hah hah!

a little background on my dear friend anu. we met in los angeles for an undercover project ( you'll have to ask me later about that) and became instant best friends. she was the manhattan babe and me the OC hottie. and we managed to meet up every now and then in our respective cities or bangalore, every now & then.

well, she's a newlywed and i was able to go to her 'indian' wedding this past oct. in bangalore. and that was when swindubaby was reeeeeeaaallly small :) it was great fun and allowed me to finally meet the man they call dan, her hunka hunka burnin love that finally made an honest woman out of her.

for those of you that are unaware of the indian wedding crisis situation...well, its what anu & i shared and went thru for a loooong time, while single, indian and getting closer to 30! she and i have stories we can tell till the elephants come home about all of our parental set ups and our own set ups that went array. but in the end, we always knew that we'd never settle for anything less than the prince charmings we now have.

anu and i share our cultural heritage, language (kannada) and life of an indian born outside of india...me the states and anu a bit more international with stints in iran, brazil, holland (most of her life), the phillipines, uk and india. whew!

so anu, we thank you so much for our essential bjorn and will use it immensly - i know!

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